Roger Martin on the Lost Art of Strategy

“you need to create the future to be special”

Roger Martin, former dean at the Rotman School, discusses the decline of strategy, plus his strategic-thinking paradigms and their practical applications

Source: Roger Martin on the Lost Art of Strategy


Very interesting read around the crossroads of corporate strategy and design; why strategy has to be emergent (Mintzberg); and how strategy is the design of what can be. Read on 🙂

Uber’s Fail Fast approach to Stay on top of the Customer Experience Curve

Uber uses Design Thinking to deliver cutting edge user experience.

Arguably it’s one of the most disruptive new services to have entered the Indian market in the past several years. #Uber. While there’s ways to go from the span of their services in India, if what they did in their parent country is anything to go by, wow, hold your breath!

Ethan Eismann UBER Dir-Product Experience
Ethan Eismann, Director of Product Experience, Uber

And guess what has led to this ground breaking service that Uber is… #DesignThinking!

You totally need to check out this talk by Uber’s Director of Product Experience, on how he used Design Thinking to make Uber the experience that it is today.

Uber’s Director of Product Experience on what makes Uber the market disruptor that it is